I wish you all a really blessed, Happy New Year!!!
I had the joy of making 60 sparkling New Years cupcakes for Maria & Marcus´wedding on new years eve. I loved making theese cupcakes, and I´m really pleased with how they turned out. The couple celeberated their wedding at beautiful Operakällaren
and their wedding photographer was Brigitte Grenfeldt
, so I´m sure they will have some amazing photos! If I get some of the cupcakes I promise I´ll post them. Unfortunatley I forgot my camera so I snapped some pics of the boxed cupcakes with my iPhone, before delivery. Bad quality, but better than nothing...

And here´s some close ups of the decorations...
13 kommentarer:
Tack för din inspirerande blogg! Gott nytt år
OJ! SÅ vackra! Gott nytt år!
this is art work! Love your blog !
Så himla fina, precis i vanlig ordning =) Kul att se alla dekorationerna på ett fat så där, det är ju en och annan!
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
God fortsättning!
Dina cupcakes är otroligt vackra som vanligt. Jag älskar verkligen färgerna du använder!
tack allihop!
alice- ja, puh! det tar tid att göra alla dekorationer minsann... men det är väl det som är själva charmen, att det är ett riktigt hantverk! :)
thank you so much! I really hope I´m improving! when I look what I made in the start I´m not so satisfied... I´m not completely satisfied with my newer work either(I guess if I was completely happy with it I wouldn´t try as hard as I do, and my work wouldn´t improve), but I do see the improvement myself, and that inspires me :) I really hope I create my own style. I want people to recognize my work as Holy Sweet´s as I really put hard work into it!
Happy new year!!
säger det igen, helt underbara bröllopscupcakes! det ser så härligt ut när man ser alla dekorationer tillsammans, mycket jobb och kärlek samlat på ett fat. :)
I'm appreciate your writing skill.Please keep on working hard.^^
Otroligt vackra cupcakes!
These are soooo pretty, lovley work! Would you mind me asking how you make the chocolate pearl, I have made them from fondant but never chocolate. Great blog too.
For en inspirerende blogg. Fantastiske cupcakes og annet godt. Hilsen Hege fra Norge (www.kakedesign.blogspot.com)
Hi I agree, these are beautiful, so much so we have featured them in our 50 Wedding blog posts on www.partycupcakeideas.com
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