white top cake with peonies, to go with matching cupcakes for sweet, sweet couple Jimi&Frida.
this is my favourite cake of the ones I´ve made this far, and I loved making it!
Jimi&Frida, I wish you a blessed marriage and a happy life together!
I can´t wait to see pictures from your wedding! 

cake layer 1: valrhona chocolate cake, milk chocolate/cardamom ganache & raspberries

cake layer 2: vanilla buttermilk cake, lemon curd, vanilla meringue buttercream
the cake is covered in white chocolate fondant and decorated with with edible decorations; silver pearls, edible monogram and hand made white chocolate pearls & sugar penonies
cupcakes in three different styles & tastes:
valrhona chocolate cupcake, honeyed raspberries & white chocolate cream cheese frosting
vanilla buttermilk cupcake, lemon curd & vanilla mwringue buttercream
valrhona chocolate cupcake, milk chocolate/cardamom ganache & white chocolate fondant
The design of this cake was inspired by the talented Melody Brandon of My Sweet and Saucy.
Thank you for all your great work, and inspiration!
21 kommentarer:
Ohhhh wow wow wow! Linda, this cake is sooo beautiful. LOVE the peonies. Which cutter did you use? because it does not look like the one I have. I have been looking on one of Colette Peters cutter though as it looks so much nicer.
Alltså denna är ju heelt fantastisk!! Wow, du är så himla duktig!
Åh, vilken underber tårta! Pionerna är ju hur fina som helst!
vilken enorm estetisk begåvning du har! otroligt!
Thank you!
I´m not sure what brand the cutters are, I bought them from Jennifer Dontz´s shop! She is the best, I love her web shop/products and she is so helpful and nice! best service ever!
Linda, Danielle och anonym,
Tack så jättemycket!
helt ljuvligt underbar! pionerna blev helt lika magiskt vackra som den äkta varan :)
Hi Linda,
I saw your peony cake over at Charmaine's blog, Beautiful Things to Share and I had to come over and tell you myself how gorgeous it is. It is absolutely breathtaking. Jimi & Frida are one very lucky couple. Have a wonderful weekend.
Wow!! For noen fantastisk flotte kaker!
Første jeg er innom hos deg...Helt imponert jeg nå!
Vi skal gifte oss neste år, jeg har letet etter slike flotte bryllupskaker her i norge, men de finns ikke!
Du er virkelig dyktig:)
Hilsen Julie
hi Linda! thank you so much for leaving such a nice comment. when i discovered your blog and saw this amazing cake, it took my breath away. this is seriously one of the most beautiful wedding cakes i have ever seen! so elegant and beautiful! the peonies look so real and are perfect with the beautiful pearls. the color of the cake with the monogram is just impeccable. the cake screams ROMANCE! i also love the size of the cake. you did a fantastic job! i LOVE it! i wish i were getting married because i would want a cake just like this one. your friends are amazingly blessed to have you as a friend. what a beautiful thing to do for your friends. very sweet! so, i just had to post your cake on my blog. i will be adding the cake on my side bar and it will link back to you. your other creations are delightful too! you are very talented. thank you for sharing and have a lovely day!
God Bless,
I am so happy I found your blog!!! Your work is beautiful and very inspiring! I love peonies and this cake is stunning!
alltså den här tårtan är inte av denna värld! helt gaaaalet fin!!! du har sån enorm talang och känsla för det du gör!!! om jag nånsin gifter mig så finns det ingen tvekan om vem jag ska anlita!! :)
This cake is amazing, I have to make a wedding cake and I dont know like do it, do you understand me? my english is no good...
A kiss from Spain
Tårtan är bara... saknar ord! ja helt underbar!!
wow, this cake is amazing. i believe you have changed my mind about wedding cakes. thanks for posting
Such a fabulous cake! Kudos!
Linda! Blir tårögd när jag ser Dina bilder. Vi hade en fantastisk dag och tårtan va verkligen helt underbar på alla sätt - otroligt fin och SUPERGOD!! Vi kunde inte vara mer glada och nöjda. Till alla Er andra - ta chansen att beställa från Linda så fort det Ni får den, bästa och duktigaste tjejen =) KRAM Frida och Jimi, we'll be back... =)
Thank you so much for the sweet comment on my blog! Your cake is absolutely gorgeous and I'm so glad I could inspire you in a small way.
Det är en av de vackraste tårtor som man kan tänka sig. Och dina pioner är så perfekta att det aldrig räcker tillräckligt att titta på dem. Har sätt den här tårtan minst 100 gånger.
Awesome website, I hadn't noticed holysweet.blogspot.com previously during my searches!
Keep up the good work!
Thanks for sharing this link - but unfortunately it seems to be down? Does anybody here at holysweet.blogspot.com have a mirror or another source?
It is soooo beautiful, elegant, wonderful cake!! I suppose tastes good too!!
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